watching crd using dynamic inforeer golang
watching crd using dynamic inforeer golang

Watching Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) Using Dynamic Informer in Golang

In Kubernetes, Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) allow you to extend the Kubernetes API and define new custom resources that fit your specific use case. Monitoring these CRDs in real-time requires an efficient way to watch for changes and respond to updates. One approach is using dynamic informers in Golang. Dynamic informers allow you to interact with Kubernetes resources without having to generate static client code for each custom resource. In this article, watching crd using dynamic inforeer golang we’ll explore how to use a dynamic informer in Golang to watch CRDs, enabling efficient resource monitoring in Kubernetes environments.

What is a Custom Resource Definition (CRD)?

A Custom Resource Definition (CRD) allows Kubernetes users to define custom resources that behave like native Kubernetes objects such as Pods, Services, or Deployments. For example, you could define a Database CRD to represent instances of databases within a Kubernetes cluster watching crd using dynamic inforeer golang.

Once a CRD is created, you can manage the custom resources using standard Kubernetes commands (kubectl), and you can perform CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations just like with built-in resources.

What is a Dynamic Informer?

A dynamic informer in Kubernetes is an API construct used to watch changes in cluster resources dynamically. This makes dynamic informers especially useful for watching CRDs when you don’t have a statically generated client.

Why Use a Dynamic Informer for CRDs?

The main benefit of using a dynamic informer is flexibility. You don’t need to generate static client code for each CRD you want to monitor. This saves time, simplifies your Golang code, and reduces maintenance overhead. Dynamic informers are also easier to adapt to new CRDs, making them ideal for rapidly evolving Kubernetes environments.

Setting Up a Golang Environment for Kubernetes

Before you can start working with dynamic informers in Golang, you’ll need to set up your development environment:

  1. Install Go: Make sure Golang is installed. You can download it from the official website here.
  2. Install the Kubernetes Client: Use the Kubernetes Go client to interact with the Kubernetes API. You can install the Kubernetes client for Go by running:bashCopy codego get
  3. Set Up Cluster Access: Ensure that your local Kubernetes context is set up so that your Go program can interact with the cluster. You should have kubectl configured and working.

Using a Dynamic Informer to Watch CRDs in Golang

Now that your environment is ready, let’s write some Golang code to watch a CRD using a dynamic informer. We’ll use the dynamic package from the Kubernetes Go client to create an informer that watches for changes in a specific CRD.

Step 1: Import Required Packages

Start by importing the necessary packages:

goCopy codepackage main

import (

    metav1 ""
Step 2: Load Kubernetes Configuration

Next, load your Kubernetes cluster configuration. You can use the default kubeconfig file ($HOME/.kube/config) for this:

goCopy codefunc main() {
    config, err := clientcmd.BuildConfigFromFlags("", clientcmd.RecommendedHomeFile)
    if err != nil {

    dynamicClient, err := dynamic.NewForConfig(config)
    if err != nil {

    // Watch for CRDs here
Step 3: Define the CRD Group and Resource

You need to define the GroupVersionResource (GVR) for the CRD you want to watch. For this example, assume we have a CRD called Database in the group and version v1:

goCopy codedatabaseGVR := schema.GroupVersionResource{
    Group:    "",
    Version:  "v1",
    Resource: "databases",
Step 4: Create a Dynamic Informer

Now create the dynamic informer. You’ll use the dynamic client to start watching the Database CRD:

goCopy codedatabaseInformer := dynamicClient.Resource(databaseGVR).Namespace(metav1.NamespaceAll)

informer := cache.NewSharedInformer(
        ListFunc: func(options metav1.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
            return databaseInformer.List(context.TODO(), options)
        WatchFunc: func(options metav1.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
            return databaseInformer.Watch(context.TODO(), options)

    AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
        fmt.Println("New CRD added:", obj)
    UpdateFunc: func(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
        fmt.Println("CRD updated:", newObj)
    DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
        fmt.Println("CRD deleted:", obj)

stop := make(chan struct{})
defer close(stop)
go informer.Run(stop)

time.Sleep(30 * time.Second) // Let the informer run for 30 seconds

This code sets up an informer that listens for additions, updates, and deletions of Database CRDs. The ListFunc and WatchFunc specify how the informer retrieves resources and watches for changes, respectively. The AddEventHandler registers functions that are triggered when resources are added, updated, or deleted.

Step 5: Running the Informer

After the setup, you can run the informer. The code allows the dynamic informer to run and watch for changes for 30 seconds, logging any activity related to the CRD.

Handling Errors and Optimizing Performance

Watching CRDs in real-time requires dealing with possible errors. You should handle potential timeouts, API errors, or connectivity issues gracefully. Additionally, consider implementing retries or backoff strategies to prevent overwhelming the Kubernetes API.

You can also optimize the informer by reducing the sync period or filtering the resources you’re watching to avoid unnecessary resource usage.


Using a dynamic informer in Golang to watch Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) provides flexibility and efficiency for Kubernetes-based applications. It simplifies the process of monitoring CRD events, making it easier to integrate custom resources into your workflows. By leveraging the power of dynamic informers, developers can efficiently handle changes in CRDs without the need for generated code, resulting in cleaner, more maintainable solutions.

With the example provided in this article, you should be able to implement dynamic CRD watching in your own Golang applications, helping you stay updated with the state of your custom Kubernetes resources.


  1. What is a dynamic informer in Kubernetes?
    A dynamic informer watches and interacts with Kubernetes resources, including CRDs, without requiring generated code.
  2. Why use dynamic informers for CRDs?
    Dynamic informers offer flexibility by allowing you to watch any CRD without having to generate static client code.
  3. What does the Homing Failed Error 64 refer to in this context?
    Although unrelated to Kubernetes, Error 64 typically indicates a hardware or setup issue in other platforms, unrelated to CRDs.
  4. What are the advantages of using Golang for Kubernetes development?
    Golang is highly efficient and is the language Kubernetes itself is written in, making it the ideal choice for integrations.
  5. Can I use the same dynamic informer for multiple CRDs?
    Yes, you can set up dynamic informers for multiple CRDs by defining the appropriate GVR for each one.


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